Emergency Operations Plan
The purpose of the plan is to identify the roles, responsibilities, and actions required of participating agencies, city departments, and city enterprises in preparing for and responding to emergencies.
Evacuation Plan
The Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency ManagementThe City and County are consolidating their Offices of Emergency Management in an effort to optimize staff resources, establish a single point of contact during major incidences and enhance communication both during and after an event. The new office, the Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management (PPR-OEM) will support operations during a disaster or emergency in El Paso County and Colorado Springs.Because disaster knows no jurisdictional boundaries, we can most efficiently prepare for an emergency and respond to one by coordinating our efforts on a regional basis. The establishment of the PPR-OEM will allow the county and the city to more effectively coordinate and assist first responders in an emergency as well as preparing the government and the community for a disaster. (PPROEM) Evacuation Plan defines the expected responsibilities of El Paso County (EPC) and the City of Colorado Springs (COS) during evacuation situations. It builds an all-hazard framework for coordinating and supporting evacuation, sheltering, and re-entry operations with partner agencies keeping a whole community perspective. The plan outlines the response to incidents requiring evacuation which occur in areas supported by the county. It details anticipated evacuation requirements, needs, and progression along with the means to activate various support functions through the appropriate organizations.
Hazard Mitigation Plan
Hazard mitigation is defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as “any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to human life and property from a hazard event.” Mitigation creates safer communities by reducing loss of life and property damage. Hazard mitigation planning is the process through which hazards that threaten communities are identified and profiled, likely impacts of those hazards are assessed, and mitigation strategies to lessen those impacts are identified, prioritized, and implemented. The results of a three-year, congressionally mandated independent study to assess future savings from mitigation activities provide evidence that mitigation activities are highly cost-effective.