Senior Riders

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Take control over when you travel, enjoy the freedom to go where you want to go, and save money. Older adults who can no longer drive, or simply prefer not to, can benefit greatly by using public transportation. The city bus system can help facilitate independence and mobility. We take great pride in our service and you will find that our buses are a clean, safe, form of transportation.

  • Save Money

  • Improve Health & Mobility

  • Maintain Independence

Senior Ambassador Program

Mountain Metro is proud to offer the community a Senior Ambassador Program to help seniors get acquainted with the city bus system and establish themselves as regular riders.

Senior Ambassadors are currently available to offer one-on-one training to any new rider who is a senior. New riders interested in personalized training in the form of an actual outing on the city bus, can contact Mountain Metro to get connected with an Ambassador.  

Senior Ambassador Program

P: (719) 385- RIDE (7433)


Save Money Improve Health & Mobility Maintain Independence

Click the links below for some helpful information from our Senior Ambassador team! 

General Metro Bus Info:

Bus Service From: 

Senior Living:

Area Attractions:

Other Transit Options:

Plan Your Trip

To find the best bus routes to take to get you there on time, use the Route Planner on the left side of the Mountain Metro homepage. If you have an appointment, plan to arrive 30-45 minutes before your appointment in case there are delays.

Individual Route Schedules are also available on our website as well as on the buses. Riders may also get schedule information by calling customer service at 385-RIDE (7433). 

Buy Your Tickets

Mountain Metropolitan Transit's senior fare is only 85 cents, making the bus a very affordable option. You can pay your fare in exact change when boarding the bus, use one of our ticket vending machines (located at the Downtown Terminal and at the Citizens Service Center), or purchase your tickets ahead of time online and they will be mailed to you.

Take a Ride

Plan to arrive at the bus stop, terminal or transfer center at least 5 minutes prior to your scheduled departure. Make sure you have a ticket or exact fare and have it ready when the bus approaches. When your bus is approaching, wave to be sure the bus driver sees you. It can be difficult for drivers to see passengers, especially at night or early in the morning.

All of our buses are wheelchair accessible. The driver can lower the ramp for you and assist in securing your chair, if you request it. 

When yours is the next stop on the route, pull the cord or push the button to signal to the driver that your stop is approaching. When the bus comes to a complete stop, exit through the rear door. Riders in wheelchairs will need to use the ramp and exit out the front door.

Visit our How to Ride webpage for additional tips and information. Mountain Metro also offers free travel training classes for the workplace and other groups. Call 385-RIDE (7433) for more information.