Goals: promote job creation, invest in infrastructure, build community and collaborative relationships, and excel in City services.
Contact Phone: (719) 385-5919
Fax: (719) 385-5280
Contact the Finance Department
Responsible for: Financial Reporting including the ACFR (Annual Comprehensive Financial Report); Cash and Investment Management; Debt Management; Accounts Receivable.
Responsible for: disbursing payment for all City's financial obligations; Issue 1099 miscellaneous forms for all vendors.
Develops the annual City Budget. View the current City Budget or past City Budgets.
Handles all the work associated with paying City employees.
Responsible for: Current RFP's and IFB's out for Bid; Publishing Bid Results
Responsible for: The collection of all City sales tax monies; Business compliance with the sales and use tax code; Conducting classes to inform and educate the public; Internal and external reporting of sales tax collections.