Public invited to help City create a Greater Westside Community Plan

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The City of Colorado Springs in partnership with CONO are inviting the public to provide their input on the creation of a Greater Westside Community Plan. This plan is anticipated to be an overall guide for growth and improvements in nine neighborhoods west of I-25, including Westside, Old Colorado City, Midland, Gold Hill Mesa, Skyway, Ivywild, Stratton Meadows, Mesa and Mesa Springs.  

The community meeting, held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the City Administration Building, Room 102, will include a brief presentation for the public to learn about the project, along with the opportunity to provide feedback about their communities that will be used in the creation of the plan.

The project is part of a larger Neighborhood Planning Program that has divided the city into twelve areas that will each receive their own community plan. Each plan will be organized around six Vision Themes which makeup the City’s comprehensive planA comprehensive plan is a guiding document that provides a framework for city policies and priorities regarding the physical development of the city. It is a long-range vision of what we want our city to become and is a tool for making decisions about how that vision should be achieved. It outlines strategic steps to make the vision a reality and provides targeted and strategic planning of the physical development of the city. (PlanCOS) — vibrant neighborhoods, unique places, renowned culture, strong connections, thriving economy and majestic landscapes. Transportation planning, public safety, economic development, climate resiliency, and healthy community planning will also be incorporated into the document, consistent with all community plans.

Learn more about the project at

Meeting Information

What:   Greater Westside Community Plan – Community Meeting

When:   6 – 8 p.m., Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Where: City Administration Building, Room 102, 30 South Nevada Avenue, Colorado Springs, 80903

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